Focus on the research.
We'll do the rest.

Through every step, we’ll be there to make sure you’re focused on what really matters.

What can we do for you?


| Quantitative


Personal Interviews.

We provide human and technical resources to conduct PAPI (Pen and Papel Personal Interviewing) and CAPI (Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing):

  • In home.

  • Informal interviewing.

  • Located in a hotel, equipped rooms...

We also provide the recruitment of the sample subjects.

Telephone Interviewing.

We have the right resources and the technology to be able to carrie out phone interviews:

  • Private households, companies and organisations in different industries.

Using our own database or the one chosen by the client. It’s you decision.

Consumer panel.

We build consumer panels in line with the needs of each project.

Our main goal is to facilitate you the research about consumers, loyalty rates to certain brands or products, as well as the analysis of competition, among other things that defines a brand.


Online surveys.

We know it. Internet is the present, but also the future. We use advanced tools to conduct CAWI surveys (Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing).

Also, we can provide a large community of participants that meet the criteria.

Mystery shopping.

We measure, anonymously, the main aspects that enables the evaluation and the improvement of the following characteristics:

  • Quality standards related to customer satisfaction, just as the decrease of complaints.

  • Employee motivation and performance within the work environment.

Postal survey.

If you need geographical dispersion. We offer:

  • Traditional postal surveys. Shipping and collection of the questionnaires by postal mail.

  • Combined postal surveys. They include, in addition to the questionnaire, packaging, reading materials, etc.



Questionnaire design:

  • Online. Our tools will make your surveys look different and attractive. This is reflected into higher response rates.

  • Offline. We design your questionnaire and, if needed, send it through postal surveys.

Data processing.

And then… the data is sorted to facilitate data tabulation and analysis.

Taste tests.

Recruiting your target audience to take part in tasting tests.

Are you looking for an appropriate place to perform the test? We can help you find the space that best suits your needs.

| Qualitative


Usability testing.

Online or in person. Selection of suitable candidates to test all kind of technological products (websites, mobile apps, etc.).

Focus Group.

Focus group participants recruitment, both online and in person, according to the specifics of each project.

We apply the latest and most efficient techniques to achieving success.

In-depth interview.

Our experienced team is specially trained to find the ideal candidates to take part in deep interviews.

How far do you want to go?

We carry out international projects in Europe, LATAM and the USA.


We’re present at…







Consumer goods.


Real State.












and many others…